Friday, October 29, 2010

Free TV Boxes For Developers is a Woot

Right on Google. I'm late to the party but was able to enter to get a what I think will be the Revue Google TV Box. Now I have even more reason to get a new TV.

I was able to get to Best Buy and check out Google TV. Unfortunately the demo they had seized up. Not sure if it was their set up or the overall network or system. Another demo was being done by a Best Buy sales rep for another couple. I wasn't able really get a feel for it, but it looks cool.

Google TV Is Getting Ready and Project Updates

We haven't been here for awhile. Ive been busy learning how to build apps. That the best excuse for would be developers.

So whats new. Google TV is whats new. I am hoping to become part of the community and working with the SDK.

Google started taking names a couple weeks back and is now accepting application to receive equipment. That would be nice as I was at Best Buy just yesterday and the expense just before Christmas is hard to justify.

So back to Android Apps. I have been able to do a few things since my first Hello. Sorry I don't have time to post them all today. I did get invited into App Inventor though. I will stay with Eclipse though. App Inventor is nice but is lacking.

Guys I hope to get the blog moving very soon as I have lots of updates.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Official Google Mobile Blog: Universal search features in Google Suggest for mobile

Google Suggest will add function to new applications for Android and all phones at one point. Thought this news was pretty important for developers. Think of functions and Apps that will come from this.
Last December on the Official Google Blog, they announced how universal search features in Google Suggest could show useful information while the user is composing a query from the Google home page. Today, we are bringing this same functionality to mobile phones so that getting answers while on the go is even faster and easier. For example, let's say you're flying to London and want to know: Is my flight on time? Or what is the exchange rate of the pound? As you type the flight "Ba 284" or "Usd in pounds", the answers are provided right below the search box, without having to wait for the results page.
Official Google Mobile Blog: Universal search features in Google Suggest for mobile